Welcome to our Year 5 page. Our names are Mr Mair and Mrs Bushell and we are the class teachers. 

I am supported by a Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Pathirannahalage.

In Year 5 we learn to give things a go and not feel worried when we make mistakes. We always try our best and are respectful to everyone. We understand we are getting older and are starting to be role models for the rest of the school. Our library day is Tuesday. We can sit and read in the library and borrow a book every week. We have many opportunities to read for pleasure.

Click on the link below to see the Year 5 Long Term Plan:

Year 5 Long Term Plan

PE is on Thursday. We provide a PE kit for every child but s/he will need pumps or trainers.

Swimming is on Wednesday (Winter & Spring terms only).  Every child must have a swimming costume, a towel and a swimming cap.

Please ensure your child arrives at school at 8.45 am every day in full school uniform and black shoes. Long hair must be tied back and plaited, please.

If you have any questions about Y5, please make an appointment at the office to see Mr Mair

Religious Education

We had a brilliant interactive experience learning all about the different ‘Stations of the Cross’ in the lead up to Easter at St Dunstan’s church.

Year 5 and Year 6 walked to St Clare’s, our parish church, to look at the features of a Catholic church and interview Father Aidan about the mission of a priest.


School visit – Eric Cohen

During our week learning about Judaism, we had a special visitor – Eric Cohen – spend the day at our school. 
Eric visited Year 5 and taught us all about the special celebration of Passover. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We are now the Rocket Resilience Champions of the school. We enjoyed a one day interactive training course which taught us about mental health and resilience.


During our Year 5 Unit on Changing Materials, we used our scientific enquiry skills to find out about:

 – materials that dissolve in liquids to make solutions

 – methods we can use to separate mixtures

 – mixing some materials can result in the formation of a new material 

It was so exciting to mix vinegar with bicarbonate of soda. It produced a gas and with this gas, we even inflated a balloon!