Welcome to our Year 4 page. Our names are Mrs Thomas and Mrs Crute and we are the class teachers.

Mrs Thomas will be in class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mrs Crute will be in class on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

We are supported by a Learning Support Assistant is Mr McGuigan.

In Year 4, we foster a love of learning through practical and engaging lessons. This term we will be recreating the journey of food through the digestive system, exploring Ancient Egypt, transform ourselves into Abraham and Sarah to better understand how they showed their trust in God, plus carrying out many more exciting activities that ensure lifelong learning.

Click on the link below to see the Year 4 Long Term Plan:

Year 4 Long Term Plan

PE is on Tuesday and Friday. We provide a PE kit for every child but s/he will need pumps or trainers.

Swimming will be in the Summer term on a Wednesday. Every child will need to have a swimming costume, a towel and a swimming cap. We will send a reminder out closer to the time. 

Please ensure your child arrives in school at 8.45am every day in full school uniform and black shoes. Long hair must be tied back and plaited please.

If you have any questions about Y4, please make an appointment at the office to see Mrs Thomas or Mrs Crute.


We used FMS Logo to create shapes and geometric patterns


We took over the staffroom to observe how some materials change state when they are heated or cooled. 

We explored different ways of sorting and classifying animals using their characteristics.

In Science, we learned about the effects of different liquids on our teeth. We soaked boiled eggs in different liquids for one week, and then observed how each liquid had affected the eggshell. We found that orange juice and Coca-Cola caused the most damage.

Ancient Egypt

In our history topic on Ancient Egypt, we learnt about the burial process for Egyptian Pharoahs.  We made models of a mummy, the coffin, the sarcophagus and a pyramid.