Welcome to our Year 1 page. My name is Miss Burrows and I am the class teacher. I am supported by Learning Support Assistants, Mrs Bojin and Miss Padina.

In Year One, the children are read to every day. They enjoy listening to and talking about a variety of stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction. They are learning phonics every day so that they will be able to read on their own too. It is very important that you read to your child regularly at home and talk to them about stories they know. Listening to stories is crucial to your child’s language and vocabulary development. It will help them to develop a lifelong love of books.

PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays.  We provide a PE kit for every child but s/he will need pumps or trainers.

Please ensure your child arrives at school at 8.45am every day in full school uniform and black shoes. Long hair must be tied back and plaited please.

If you have any questions about Y1, please make an appointment at the office to see Miss Burrows.

Please click on the following link for more information.

Year 1 Long Term Plan

Phonics Plan


We are learning the art of sketching, focusing specifically on drawing self-portraits. This involves understanding the basics of proportions, shading and capturing the unique features that make each of us.


We explored technology in our classroom. We have learned to use a mouse and keyboard.


We learned about Maths by having a Number day. We wore number hats and put the numbers in order. We created Tangram pictures and listened to number songs.


In Science,  also linked to Art the children have been learning about Animals including Humans. They carefully observed a photo of themselves and sketched their image.


We learned about our health and well-being. We learned about keeping safe and discussed how to be safe with medicines.


In Science as part of our topic on Animals including Humans, we have learned about the senses. We used our ears to listen to musical instruments, we used our eyes to look at different images such as the sunset, we used our noses to smell garlic and perfume, we used our hands to touch different materials such as a soft fluffy teddy and rough sandpaper and finally, we used our tongues to taste sour lemon and bitter dark chocolate. 

Design and Technology

We learned about Mechanisms – sliders and levers. We designed, created and evaluated a slider mechanism. We learned the following skills – designing, beginning to evaluate, cutting and joining materials.

Religious Education 

We have been learning about Prophecy and Promise. We explored where God’s love is – it is all around us – from the sunshine to beautiful flowers.


We have learned to use the iPads to make digital pictures. 


We are learning about the Japanese artist, Hokusai. He used wooden blocks to create his famous prints. We are printing using a variety of objects such as fruit and even Lego! Soon, we will create our own print of Hokusai’s most famous piece of work – The Great Wave.

Parents learning about Phonics

Reception and Year 1 parents have been learning about phonics and how they can support their children at home to develop early reading skills. Mrs Flood demonstrated some of the resources and explained how phonics is taught at St. Hugh’s using Read Write Inc. (RWI). Mrs Baddeley also taught a small part of a phonics lesson to the parents so they could see how much fun the children have while learning to read!


We learned about greater than using cubes and symbols. We had to make two towers of cubes and put them in the right place using the greater than symbol.  The crocodile always eats the biggest number.


We are learning about the Japanese artist, Hokusai. He used wooden blocks to create his famous prints. We are printing using a variety of objects such as fruit and even Lego! Soon, we will create our own print of Hokusai’s most famous piece of work – The Great Wave.