At St Hugh’s we work with ‘Food For Thought’ who are a not for profit school meals company owned by its partner schools. We provide a variety of seasonal hot and cold dishes for children to freely choose from. Fresh fruit low-fat yoghurts along with homemade pudding are available every lunchtime.

All of our meat is sourced from local suppliers, we use free range eggs and organic flour where possible. All our fruit and vegetables are locally sourced where possible. Halal options are available.

School Meals

School meals cost £10.00 per week, payable on Monday morning. If your child is absent the credit for the school meal will be carried forward. If for some reason you find yourself getting into financial difficulty please speak with a member of the office staff as soon as possible. Menus for the term are located in the notice boards.

Children in years 3 – 6 can have a school meal or a packed lunch. Spring Menu 2 2025


Packed Lunch

If you decide to give your child a packed lunch, please follow the recommendations.

If you would like some ideas on what a Healthy Packed Lunch looks like. 

A Guide to a Healthy Packed Lunch

Healthy packed lunch ideas





Reception and years 1 and 2

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 get universal free school meals regardless of your income. Get in touch with your school if you haven’t had a letter about this. But if you or your partner do receive a qualifying benefit please apply or the school won’t get the funding.

Year 3 to year 11

Your child may be eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive a qualifying benefit.

Universal Free School Meals.

If your child attends a state funded infant school and is in reception class, year 1 or year 2 (key stage 1) they are entitled to universal free school meals regardless of your income. This could save you almost £400 a year for each child you have in key stage 1.

However, we urge those parents who do receive a qualifying benefit to make a formal application as this will allow the school to claim additional funding (pupil premium) for new equipment and resources. You can do this online in the section below.

Free school meals and pupil premium

If your child is eligible for free school meals, the school will get extra funding for your child’s education when you apply – £1320 per child in primary school. This funding is called Pupil Premium. The money can be used to help with the cost of school trips, extra teaching staff and activities.

Can my child get free school meals?


Qualifying benefits

If you or your partner receive any of the following benefits you can apply for free school meals.

  • Universal Credit – your household earned annual income must be less than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits
  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment Support Allowance
  • Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed part of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit – with no Working Tax Credit and your annual household income is no more than £16,190, as assessed by the Inland Revenue

How long will my child get free school meals?

There is no change to eligibility criteria if you receive a legacy benefit.

If you receive or are moving to Universal Credit, your child will get free school meals until March 2022, regardless of any changes to you or your partner’s income. 

After March 2022, existing children who no longer meet the eligibility criteria at that point will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education, i.e. primary or secondary.

For example:

  • If your child is in year 4 in 2022, they will receive free school meals until they finish primary school.  They will not be eligible in secondary school if you and your partner’s income is more than £7,400 per year.
  • If your child is in year 9 in 2022, they will receive free school meals until they finish secondary school even if your income is more than £7,400 per year.

Before you apply

  • If you’re a foster parent, you cannot apply for free school meals as you already receive funding.
  • If you already receive free school meals for a child and just want to add another child, contact Liverpool City Council here to update your details.
  • If you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, contact Liverpool City Council here and they will update your details to include free school meals.

How to apply

Click here to apply and get an instant decision. Who will inform your child’s school.