Welcome to our Year 4 page. My name is Mrs Thomas and I am the class teacher.

I am supported by a Learning Support Assistant Mr McGuigan.

In Year 4, we foster a love of learning through practical and engaging lessons. This term we will be recreating the journey of food through the digestive system, exploring Ancient Egypt, transform ourselves into Abraham and Sarah to better understand how they showed their trust in God, plus carrying out many more exciting activities that ensure lifelong learning.

Click on the link below to see the Year 4 Long Term Plan:

Year 4 Long Term Plan

PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We provide a PE kit for every child but s/he will need pumps or trainers.

Swimming will be held on Wednesdays during the summer term. Every child will need to have a swimming costume, a towel and a swimming cap. We will send a reminder out closer to the time. 

Please ensure your child arrives at school at 8.45am every day in full school uniform and black shoes. Long hair must be tied back and plaited please.

If you have any questions about Y4, please make an appointment at the office to see Mrs Thomas.


We are currently learning about the 7 times table. To start our learning, the class were set a problem. 
Each cupcake needs 7 sweets on top. How many sweets will we need if each child in Year 4 has a cupcake?
To solve this, we each made our own cupcake topped with 7 Smarties and used our knowledge of multiplication to work out how many sweets we needed in total.
We counted on in 7s and started to learn the 7 times table. Do you know how many sweets we needed?


We went on a visit to the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre. We had great fun exploring the many interactive exhibitions! We then took part in a ‘Glorious Gas’ workshop, which supported our current Science topic, ‘States of Matter’. In this, we explored (and created) different types of gases, using things such as marshmallows, balloons, syringes, straws, different coloured liquids, vinegar and fire!


As part of our topic on Joseph Williamson, we explored the fascinating Williamson Tunnels, uncovering the history behind these underground passages. Following the tour, we took part in a workshop where we had the opportunity to examine historical artefacts discovered within the tunnels.

Celebration of the Word

We visited St. Clare’s, where we took part in a special Celebration of the Word, led by Mrs. Thomas and some of our classmates. It was a meaningful experience that allowed us to reflect and pray, together as a community

Come and See

As part of our learning about our parish community, we explored the key features of our Catholic church, examining its sacred spaces and symbols. We also had the opportunity to speak with Father Aidan, asking him questions about his mission as a priest and the important role he plays in guiding the parish.


Before we start learning how to write newspaper reports, we took time to read a selection of our ‘First News’ newspapers. We discussed the features of newspapers and newspaper reports. 


In Maths, we measured the perimeter of everyday objects using string. We then used this string to see how many other shapes we could create with the same perimeter. We worked in pairs to do this.


As part of our work with Kabs, we worked in two teams to compete in relay races. Instead of earning points, we earned the materials to build a tunnel. We then had 10 minutes to work as a team and build a tunnel through which the whole team could crawl. We showed very impressive teamwork and had a lot of fun!


In Year 4, we use a variety of drama strategies in different lessons. Here, we worked in pairs to create a freeze-frame of an image from the story ‘The Whale’. We then used thought-tracking, to think about what each character might think or say.

Come and See

As part of our Advent topic, we used drama to show how we would proclaim the Good News of Jesus from atop a mountain.


To remember our learning about the Ancient Egyptians, we visited the World Museum where we took part in two fabulous workshops. We learned how to make a mummy, and we handled a variety of artefacts. We wore special cotton gloves to protect the artefacts. 

Come and See

In Come and See, we worked in groups to describe the character of Joseph. We all really enjoyed this activity!


In Science, we investigated the effects of different liquids on our teeth by soaking eggs in Coca-Cola, orange juice, milk and water. We left them for a week and then observed what had happened to the eggs. We found that orange juice and Coca-Cola caused the most damage. 


In History, we learned about the achievements of Katherine Johnson (American Mathematician). We researched her,  made leaflets and then worked collaboratively to create a timeline of her life. Finally, we created a human mind-map to share what we had learned about her. We all learned a lot.


In Art, we created clay tiles and then carved geometric designs into them. 

Come and See

In Come and See, we learned about Judaism. Our friend, Eric Cohen, came to visit us again and taught us all about the Torah.


In Science, we worked collaboratively to sort living things into groups. We came up with our own sorting criteria and shared our ideas with each other. 

In computing, we are learning about computer networks. We went on a scavenger hunt to find different components of our school network.

In maths we are learning about place value and how to represent numbers in different ways.


In PSHE we are learning about healthy friendships and strategies to solve disputes positively. We are also learning about bullying and the difference between bullying and banter. Here we took part in anti-bullying week and made ‘Bantometers’ showing when banter can turn into bullying.

As part of Judaism week, we went to the synagogue. A synagogue is a place where Jewish people go to worship. Do you know the word synagogue means ‘bringing together’. It is a place where people come to pray, study the Torah and come together for events.