St Hugh’s Catholic Primary School is a one-form entry Primary School. This means that we have 30 pupil admission places available within each year group.

Reception Class

If you are looking for a Reception place for your child for the next academic year, please visit for more information and application details.

In-Year Admissions

Reception Class to Year 6

If you are looking for a school place for your child during the academic year, you can visit for more information.

If you are new to the city of Liverpool you must apply online. 

If you are already a resident in Liverpool you can apply directly to the school. Application forms are available from the school office. 

Secondary School 

For applications to Secondary Schools, please click here for more details.

If you would like more information about the criteria used to admit pupils to our school please click the policy below.

Admission Policy 2024-25

If you are applying for a place under the Faith criteria you must complete the following supplementary form, Supplementary Faith Form

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office for further information.

Nursery School 

We are unable to offer a Nursery School, however Chatham Nursery School is part of our Federation and if you would like more information about what they have to offer please click the following link, Chatham Nursery School