Religious Education
Religious Education Statement
Religious Education is our core subject and is at the centre of life at St. Hugh’s Catholic Primary School.
As part of our endeavour to deliver the best possible teaching to our children, we are currently transitioning from our ‘Come and See’ programme onto a new religious education curriculum, ‘To know You more clearly’. Starting in September 2023, this new curriculum is being implemented into all classes. This process will take three years and will be in place across all classes by September 2026. Please see the links below to see the timeframe in more depth.
Come and See
In the ‘Come and See’ programme, which was previously recommended by the Liverpool Archdiocese Christian Education Department, themes are taught across the school through a range of topics, each with the focus on one of three themes: Christian Living, Church or Sacraments.
The process for delivering the topics in ‘Come and See’ has three stages – Explore, Reveal and Respond which enable pupils to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes. Teachers include a variety of teaching and learning activities, which are each tailored to the needs of our pupils.
St. Hugh’s is a rich and diverse community. During Jesus’ life on earth he met people of diverse backgrounds and religious groups who were different from himself. He showed respect for those inside and outside his own faith community. We are committed to respecting people of other faiths and to recognise that God is at work within them. Come and See supports this work through the teaching about other world faiths and religions: Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.
For more information about the themes taught during Come and See, please click the following link, Come and See Overview 2024-25
To Know You more clearly
Our new Religious Education Directory needs to be in place in our school by September 2026.
Titled ‘To know You more clearly’ and published by the CES, the directory sets out the purpose of RE from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6 and features a programme of study with a model curriculum, corresponding to the six half-terms of the school year.
The objective of the curriculum is to religiously literate and engage young people, with the knowledge, understanding and skills to reflect spiritually, think ethically and theologically, and recognise the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.
There are six branches in ‘To know You more clearly’ – one per half term. The branches are:
1. Creation and Covenant
2. Prophecy and Promise
3. From Galilee to Jerusalem
4. From Desert to Garden
5. To the Ends of the Earth
6. Dialogue and Encounter
Each branch follows the following steps:
- Hear
- Believe
- Celebrate
- Live
At the end of each branch, the children will be able to:
- Understand
- Discern
- Respond
Click on the link below to see how ‘To know You more clearly’ will be implemented into each year group, including the branches studied.
At St. Hugh’s, engagement and enjoyment is central to our RE lessons, so we employ a variety of teaching methods throughout our curriculum, including collaborative learning and drama. As part of this, we have forged excellent links with our wider community and this helps us to provide wonderful enrichment activities for our children. See the pictures below as an example of what happens in some of our RE lessons.
RE Medium Term Plan Spring 2025
Year 5
We visited St. Clare’s Church to lead a Celebration of the Word, where we prayed and shared in the service. During our visit, we also had the opportunity to speak with Father Aiden, who answered our questions about the church, its history, and its significance in the community.
Reception Class
We have have been recreating the Nativity story and learning about how far the Magi travelled to celebrate and bring gifts for Jesus.
Year 6
We read the Parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32. To deepen our understanding, we used roleplay to act out the story allowing us to experience the emotions of the characters and understand how God’s love for us is unconditional.
Year 3
In Religious Education, we have been celebrating all of God’s creations by writing poems inspired by The Word Bird by Shirley Crabtree. We have also taken time to reflect on what it means to be made in God’s image.
Year 2
We recreated the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet.
Year 3
Year 3 visited the local synagogue to support their learning about places of worship in other faiths.
Whole school visit to St Clare’s R.C. Church
The whole-school have enjoyed visits to our local Catholic church, St Clare’s.
Father Aiden hosted the visits, we were all so excited to find out more about our Parish and the history of our local church.
Whole School
We were pleased to welcome Eric Cohen into school again as part of our work on Judaism. Eric worked with every class to enrich their learning about the Jewish faith. Our children always enjoy Eric’s visits!
Year 1
We learned about our families and how God takes care of everyone.
We have learned all about Baptism and how we are welcomed into God’s family.