St. Hugh is our patron saint. Amongst other things, he was the patron saint of sick children and swans. We take time to remember St. Hugh every year on 17th November with a special feast day assembly.

Every child also remembers St. Hugh in our school prayer, which we say at the start of each day:

Dear God,
Teach us kindness, all day through,
In everything we say and do.
Help us to show respect each day,
To everyone and in every way.
Guide us to be honest and bright,
And always do what is right.
God, bless our school every day
St. Hugh help us, this we pray.
Mr and Mrs Bob
To further remember St. Hugh throughout the rest of the year, we have sponsored two swans, Mr and Mrs Bob, through The Swan Sanctuary. We chose to sponsor Mr and Mrs Bob as they are the sanctuary’s ‘foster swans’ who help to take care of rescued cygnets.
(photo courtesy of the Swan Sanctuary)
You can follow Mr and Mrs Bob’s progress, and the wonderful work of the volunteers at The Swan Sanctuary, on their website:

Our parish of St. Clare and St. Hugh

Our parish priest is Rev. Canon Aidan Prescott and our parish church is St. Clare’s Catholic Church on Arundel Avenue. Father Aidan frequently welcomes our children into St. Clare’s Catholic Church. His involvement in giving tours and engaging with the children’s curiosity reflects the strong bond between the parish and the school community. By introducing the children to the special features of the church and answering their questions, Father Aidan not only deepens their understanding of the faith but also makes the church feel like a familiar and meaningful space for them. His openness to being quizzed about his mission likely sparks interest and encourages children to explore their own roles within the faith community. This kind of interaction is invaluable for helping young people feel connected to their parish and understanding the role of clergy in their spiritual lives.


Check out our parish website below. Here, you will also find Mass times at St. Clare’s.  

Website link:

Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Mr Townley, Choral Director at the Cathedral, works with our Year 4 and 5 children every week as part of the Schools’ Singing Programme. These singing lessons form part of our music curriculum, and they also prepare the children for termly performances.

What a special experience for our children to perform as part of the Schools’ Choir at both the Cathedral’s Advent Service and the Good Shepherd Mass!

Singing in a choir allows children to actively contribute to the life of the Church while fostering a sense of community and unity.

Faithful Companions of Jesus

Our local FCJ Centre is based at St. Hugh’s Presbytery, next door to our school. They work with many of our families, with a focus on young people, faith development and community building.  

We also have Sister Ramona of the FCJ working as a volunteer in our school. This is helping to further strengthen the links between the FCJ and our school, children and families.

This year, FCJ have invited our children to St. Hugh’s Presbytery to take part in a Celebration of the Word based around the theme of Creation and Environment.

We also supported the sisters of FCJ in their ‘1000 pledges for our common home’. Each child made a pledge for the Earth as part of a Celebration of the Word.

Further details of their work can be found on their Facebook page:

Our families  

Our coffee mornings offer not only a space for parents to connect but also provide valuable resources and workshops that address important parenting challenges like sleep routines, behavior, and mental health. These sessions are a wonderful way to equip parents with practical tools and guidance, helping them feel supported in their role.

These coffee mornings always offer:

  • a cuppa and biscuits!
  • a relaxed, supportive atmosphere
  • an opportunity to ask questions, and discuss openly or confidentially if needed
  • signposting to other services

We believe in sustainability, therefore we have teamed-up with local charity shops, who provide us with surplus good-quality children’s reading books and clothes. Items are also donated by school staff.