Welcome to our Year 2 page. My name is Mr Musgrave and I am the class teacher.
I am supported by Learning Support Assistants: Ms Y Haughie and Mrs T Andrian.
In Year 2 we start to develop our independent learning skills. We will be learning lots of amazing topics over the year including significant historical figures, all about countries of the UK, making an algorithm, programming, Mondrian art and many more.We continue to improve our phonics to help us read independently. We also listen to lots of different stories and work through our whole class reading Steps to Read.
PE is on Wednesday’s and Friday’s.  We provide a PE kit for every child but your child will need pumps or trainers.
Please ensure your child arrives in school at 8.45 am every day in full school uniform and black shoes. Long hair must be tied back and plaited, please.

If you have any questions about Year 2, please make an appointment at the office to see Mr Musgrave.

Click on the link below to see the Year 2 Long Term Plan:

Year 2 Long Term Plan

Phonics Plan

We have been making our own music.


Attendance Winners!

As a reward for winning the best attendance, we spent the afternoon in the park.


We set up an experiment to see which plants would grow the best under different conditions and began to grow our own plants.

Religious Education

We recreated the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet.

Design & Technology

We explored which type of vehicle will be suitable to take Teddy on holiday and chose the best ones to help us design and make our own. 

Taking photos

We have been exploring how to take photos for different purposes

Learning how germs are spread

We have explored how germs spread if we don’t wash our hands and how to effectively wash our hands.

St Claire’s Church

We visited St Claire’s Church and Father Aidan showed us all the different areas of the church and explained parts of a Baptism.