Welcome to

St. Hugh’s Catholic
Primary School

A welcome message from the Executive Headteacher

Welcome to St. Hugh’s Catholic Primary School.

St. Hugh’s is a diverse, inclusive and vibrant school which provides a safe and secure environment for all. We welcome Catholic children and children of all faiths and of no faith. We promote the Gospel values through the daily life of the children, staff, governors and visitors in our school.

The school’s Mission Statement and Values encompass everything we do at St. Hugh’s so that the children develop a personal relationship with God, a lifelong love of learning and they aspire to be the best they can be in every way.

We promote our values of Respect, Kindness and Honesty so that the children have the opportunity to learn and grow in a positive and affirming atmosphere.

Please enjoy having a look around our website and contact the school office if you would like any further information.

Miss A Connearn (Executive Headteacher)

Mission Statement

Learn, Love, Pray

At St. Hugh’s, we grow together with Christ in our hearts. We reach our potential in a learning community and we welcome all with respect and understanding.

 We aim to grow together with Christ in our hearts by:
 - Teaching Religious Education through Come and See (Y4 - Y6) or To know You more clearly (Reception – Y3)
 - Sharing Collective Worship every day
 - Preparing the children for the Sacraments
 - Sharing good news and successes in celebration assemblies
 - Developing positive relationships with each other
 - Encouraging praise
 - Promoting good behaviour
 - Carrying out charitable acts
 - Providing family and pastoral support
 - Being respectful and tolerant of others
 - We aim to grow together with Christ in our hearts by
We aim to reach our potential in a learning community by:
 - Providing quality first teaching
 - Delivering a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum
 - Providing adaptive teaching
 - Supporting all learners, including those who have SEND, EAL or are vulnerable
 - Achieving Quality Marks
 - Providing extra-curricular clubs
 - Providing breakfast club
 - Offering a wide variety of cultural capital
 - Creating a stimulating and inclusive environment
 - Providing high quality resources

We aim to welcome all with respect and understanding by:

 - Enhancing parish and church links
 - Forging community and family links
 - Fundraising
 - Offering community welfare support
 - Developing links with local schools
 - Providing transition events
 - Enabling access to interpreters
 - Supporting parents